10X your cash revenue, increase your profit margins, and gain a better quality of life as a provider. Book your free strategy session now to get started!

Ditch the Broken Health Care Model 


Schedule Your Free Practice Evaluation.

A review of your unique practice (insurance payments, average patient costs, lab expenses, and pain points).

Receive Your Personalized Comprehensive Plan.

A comprehensive report of your practice, a projection of monthly revenue for the next 12 to 36 months, and the next steps for exponential growth.

Experience Next-Level Growth with us on your team.

Implement the strategies with us on your team, and watch your revenue climb and your schedule get easier every month.

For Your Business

The Growing Trend of
Outsourcing HR Services

We believe patients are best served by independent doctors who are in control of how they practice and thrive financially. We hate to see any doctor or professional be forced to hand it over to a local health care system and become an employee! We want to see doctors flourish within their practice, and develop a high cash flow that can sustain them well into a prosperous retirement.

What does 10xDoc really bring to the table?

10XDoc implements a proven system that is responsible for bringing in millions of dollars annually to our clients! This system has helped our clients:

  • Practice on their OWN terms
  • Gain true wealth and better lifestyles as business owners and providers
  • Better serve those who trust them as expert health care providers
  • Have an actual life outside their business/clinic!

Sounds pretty good, right? We think so, if we do say it ourselves!


Our Service

Key Areas of Expertise

Here’s what we provide to help you take control of your practice while working
less and making more money as you do it.

Cash Growth/Buy and Bill Implementation

Let us help you ramp up your cash flow by analyzing your current practice, and figuring out which procedures will drive the most cash in your unique practice!

Profitable Cash Procedure Assessment and Implementation

What kind of procedures might we recommend? Our recommendations will be tailored to your practice once we complete our assessment.

Staff Sales Training

We will provide sales training to your staff to make sure every patient has the opportunity to learn about your cash-driving procedures!

Policy and Compliance Support

We put procedures in place to ensure key process is mapped, so you have compliant policies.

Basically, we’ll take the stress off your hands by making sure everything runs smoothly in this tricky area.

Human Resource/Office Management/Hiring

When it comes to HR and office management, we can do it all. We will manage your team for you and keep your staff organized and working like a well-oiled machine.


We’ll handle your marketing, SEO for your website, social media strategy and management, and internal marketing to help your practice thrive.


We will take care of payroll for you!

We can take that annoying task off your hands completely.


Client Success


Businesses Advised


Guides Given


Awards Achieved


Let's Talk

Discover what becoming a 10X doc could mean for your business and your life. Reach out today and get your free practice evaluation. We’re ready to take your business to the next level – all you have to do is reach out.

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(972) 571-9024

Email Us


Currently Serving

Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex & Beyond


Building Bigger Business

Some of our most successful clients experiencing the 10X difference:

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